Buy Ayurvedic Medicine for Thyroid Online


Rs 1500   Rs 999


The thyroid gland is regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is manufactured by the pituitary gland in the brain. Problems occur when the thyroid gland becomes either underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism). Thyroid problems are more common in women than men. Symptoms include coarse and dry hair, confusion or forgetfulness (often mistaken for dementia in seniors), constipation, depression, dry, scaly skin, fatigue or a feeling of sluggishness, weakness, weight gain, etc. As Thyroid helps regulates metabolism, every major system in the body is affected by altered levels of thyroid hormones. It is important to identify these symptoms in our near and dear ones, so that immediate action can be taken at the right time.


Ayurvedic medicine for thyroid - Cures 

v Improves & balances the functioning of thyroid gland

v Helps to remove toxins out of the lymph system

v Speeds up metabolic activity

v Non Hormonal, 100% Herbal Solution with No side effects

v Provides relief from ailments such as Myxodema (Hypothyroidism), Obesity, Goitre and Thyroiditis

 Key Ingredients in Thyroid Health (Ayurvedic medicine for thyroid) 

#Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi): Brahmi stimulates brain chemicals that improve thinking, learning and memory and also protects the brain cells from Alzheimer’s disease and acts as a general tonic to fight stress. Brahmi increases thyroid hormone T4 & does not affect the T3 levels. It is also used to treat backache, hoarseness, mental illness, epilepsy and joint pains.

#Commiphora Wighti (Guggal): Guggul has the ability to regulate thyroid function and fight hypothyroidism. It also helps to increase the output of the thyroid gland and stimulate the conversion of the T4 thyroid hormone into its more active T3 form. This helps increase metabolism and burn fat.

#Gandira Extract (Pashanbhed): Its roots have an anti-diabetic effect which is due to the stimulation of cells of pancreatic islets. It also has fever reducing properties.


Other ingredients: Piper nigrum (Kali Mirch), Piper Longum (Pippali), Capsicum Annum (Lal Mirch Ext.), Processed Zinc (Yashad Bhasma) and Accacia Catechu (Katha Safed)         


Ayurvedic Perspectives from Dr Jogesh Passi:

THYROID HELATH ensures the proper functioning of thyroid gland and helps in improving mental alertness and reducing body ache. This supplement can be consumed by people of all ages. All the herbs of Thyroid Health are carefully selected and examined thoroughly and the right combination has been concocted after 35 years of research by Dr Jogesh Passi. AddVeda strives to provide maximum benefits by using premium quality herbs and aims to heal and rejuvenate our lives.


Dosage: 1 Capsule twice a day before meal with lukewarm water.


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